Sunday, December 21, 2008

Smiling is my favorite =)

So, William and Mary is my ideal school. My number one actually. And I just finished up the application. It had a supplement that asked, what is unique about you and makes you so colorful? They wanted it written in a 'blog-type' entry as in an 'about me' section on myspace or facebook. And of course they didn't want you to just brag about your self. They had a cute little you-tube video explaining all about it, and how those who review your applications don't look like John Adams or George Washington, but rather moms and teachers. So, this is what I wrote as my about me section:
I live every day to the fullest- taking nothing for granted. I don’t get caught up in the repetition and schedule of my boring day to day scene, but rather prefer to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ Actually, I prefer to stop and smell fresh cookies or a summer night, but that’s just me. I find inspiration in the simplest things- a good jog, a lazy beach day, my family and I could go on forever... But for the concern of other’s sanity, I will stop. For some reason I catch myself laughing when I shouldn’t be- out of embarrassment, pain or simply because I just can’t contain myself. I love to snowboard, travel to various countries, sew my own designs, and spend time with the people that matter the most to me. My friends make fun of me due to the fact that I watch the local math channel for my own pleasure and constantly sing at the top up my lungs, even though I have a terrible singing voice. (My mom, however, tells me otherwise, but I guess that’s what she is here for). I have a big family (and a twin bother that is my best friend!) and was brought up to be very loud and sarcastic. Although, I must admit, I do know when to be serious (again, my mom would beg to disagree). I can’t wait to grow up and make my dreams come true, because I want to have it all. I will one day be a ‘Doctor without Borders’ and hopefully travel to third world countries and help underprivileged people, with my ‘healing touch’. I hope to help as many people as I can through volunteer, an occupation in the medical field, and delivering the best medicine in the world- laughter.

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