Sunday, December 21, 2008


I was listening to my favorite band (well, one of them...) Ingram Hill. And they have a kinda-semi-new CD out called Cold In California. But seriously, I reccomend that everyone at least checks it out. What can it hurt? Anyway, they have this one song called Impossible and my favorite lyrics are, Everybody has to have some kind of thing... An impossible dream. And I love it because I have so many impossible dreams. Although they might seem impossible to everyone (mostly, my mom) and even myself at times, I know that one day I will accomplish what I want. I get so antsy thinking about what I have to do to get me to that point, but it will all be so worth it in the end. And I can not wait. I love to dream. If there was a job where you just get to dream all day, I would want to be it. I love thinking about the future and having a real job and traveling and falling in love (and all that sappy love stuff)- all total cliches, but I just can't help myself. I really want to fall in love so bad. But, I am so afraid. I've seen the best and worst of love. And it scares me. But that is not shocking, because I am afraid of so many things. Not a lot of people know that I am afraid of so much. I get anxiety and I actually started biting my nails when I was younger from it. I also twirl my hair when I get anxious (or bored, tired or mad). But, whatever. It's actually gotten a lot better than from when a was a wee little one. I was impressed with myself for having progressed. Haha. I am so tired and have to much to do. Like play with my puppy, homework, college stuff, and play with my puppy some more.

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