Thursday, October 16, 2008


This past 5 day weekend I went to go visit a bunch of colleges. Perhaps I should clarify that a bunch is infact, 6 colleges. I was in the Virginia/Maryland/D.C. area. And I loved it. My top choices are William and Mary, Loyola, Johns Hopkins, and American. The other ones that really just weren't for me included Georgetown and Mary Washington. So, majority of the time I was in the car driving and the other majority I spent at informational sessions. But, it was worth it. I find it so overwhelming that where ever I decide to go/get accepted to is a decision that will affect the rest of my life. It's actually scary... I am going into the bio/pre-med feild, so I can eventually be a doctor. I plan on becoming a part of the 'Doctor's With No Borders' program. So I will be able to help out children and those who need medical care in underdeveloped and 3rd world countries. This Febuary I might go to Cambodia to build an orphanage and mentour needy children. It's costly, so I have to start fundraising reeeeaaal soon. But, since I'm not yet 18 my mom has to go with me... Oh wait, she has no desire whatsoever to go. I am convinced that I can convince her. I will make it happen. I'm supposed to have been finishing up a few minutes ago, so I'll probably head out now... Even though my hand were just getting warm from it being so cold in the media lab.


cwmaria08 said...

I went to visit a college too. it's so exciting to decide the future isn't it? You have such a great career choice, I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I tried to port this comment before and I couldn't:
Europe is amazing, which I'm sure you'll find out for yourself someday. =)
Eres muy guay, puedes hablar espaƱol!
What kind of old things do you like? We can share antiquated stuff. =)
Have you seen the movie "The Princess Bride"(1987)? It's amazing =)
I love your bracelets, I don't have any meaningful collections like that.

P.S. You should write more posts, you're really creative, too!

CWJen08 said...

You're looking at some pretty crazy, costly, beautiful, really good schools. That's really awesome that you want to be a doctor and work in other countries. I've really only been looking at colleges in the state. Cost is a really big factor for me. My favorite is Ramapo. I already got accepted there. I want to be a communications major. I'm right with you though in how scary it is maing decisions so big. It really does affect the est of your life. It is also really scary because of the way our economy is going. Good luck with geeting your mom to go on that trip. =]

CWTeacher said...

You are really looking at some great schools. I almost went to American. They offered me a nice scholarship, but I ended up going to Adelphi because they gave me a full ride. Unfortunately, I hated it there and dropped out a month into the semester. The moral of the story: choose carefully.