Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy. Busy.

Ah, this weekend was so crazy. I had literally 5 hours of sleep. The entire weekend. (Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration.) Friday I had to help with the teacher BBQ... set up, prepare the food, and serve the food. Weird seeing teachers just hanging out with each other. But, after that I went to the mall cause my best friend had yet to get her dress for Saturday night. Talk about procrastination. But, we did that and had a good time. Then it was time for the last home football game =( And I didn't get home till late cause we went out to eat afterwards. Aparently so did everyone else, cause I saw everyone I've ever known. Then Sunday I had a meeting for work at 9:30, but I like to do small gestures of kindness, so I left 15 minutes earlier than I had to and got doughtnuts for the crew. They appreciated it. And right after the meeting I worked till 4-ish. Then I was on my was home to get ready for the dance. I got ready in record time and was on my way to pictures. Then was the dance till 10:30 and an after get-together at a resturaunt. And after that I went to a friends house till 2 in the morning and my best friend and I walked home. It was so coooold. But I was up at 6 again to go do a Breast Cancer Walk. And by the time I got home I felt so sick and tired. I crashed and slept all night. And didn't feel so good on Monday either. Thankfully the weekend is over!

1 comment:

cwbrianna08 said...

Hi Jordan. I know what it means to have a crazy weekend and get no sleep. Once compeititon season strats for me for dance, I hardly get any sleep. But it was nice that you helped with the teacher BBQ. It was nice of you to get doughnuts for your crew. You are such a kind and caring person. I cant believe that you had to get back up at 6am, to go to a Breast Cancer Walk, but then again, you are supporting such a great cause. My one aunt that lives in Conneticut has breast cancer, and my pop pop's niece who lives in Pennsylvania has breast cancer too. I would have loved to do the walk too, to support my family.