Monday, October 27, 2008

I have no time!

Ah, so I'm gonna have to vent again. I was up last night- all night doing homework. But, it's okay. I'm not looking forward to this week. At all. I have work on Tuesday, Wednesay, Friday (catering a wedding!), Saturday, and Sunday. I mean I love to work. But, I would love to have a life too. I usually work like a 4 day week, on top of school, but 5 is going to drive me into the ground. Altough it is nothing like how much I worked this summer. Uh, I am going to get no sleep what-so-ever. So, that is why I am going to sleep now. To make up for the lack of it the rest of my week. Haha. Goodnight!

Things to do!

So, in the begining of the year I wrote in my Journal a list of things to do before I die. It was due largely in part to the fact that I read an article in a magazine about a girl in her 20's who was diagnosed with cancer. She lived out loud and thought her family and friends how to live and love with no regrets. It was truly inspiring. She was able to accomplish more than half of the things she had written on her list of things to do; that she kept in her wallet. So, I made my own. Some I have accomplished, and I'm sure I will add to the list as I get older and see more of life. But here it is:
1. Sing…sing out loud
2. Visit Europe (mostly Ireland, Scotland, and Italy)
3. Become a pediatrician, with lots of degrees
4. Have my own practice OR become a doctor with no borders
5. Help kids in Africa and other 3rd world countries
6. Get my two tattoos
7. Learn guitar
8. Snowboard in Canada, eh?
9. Surf more… my board is getting lonely
10. Become more like my mom
11. Skydive
12. Climb a mountain
13. Parasail
14. Fall in love <33
15. Inspire a dream
16. Give back to those who gave to me
17. Pay it forward too
18. Make my own clothes
19. Travel cross country
20. Start some sort of an organization
21. Make jewelry- and lots of it
22. Run a full and half marathon; 5ks get so boring
23. Paint what I consider to be a masterpiece
24. Write a book
25. Make lots of friends
26. Have a family
27. Love myself
28. Forgive
29. Get my jeep!
30. Help a teen through a rough time
31. Complete a 3 day breast cancer walk with the women I love
32. Road trip with my best friends
33. Stop and smell the roses
34. Fight oppressions
35. Be Alive, really alive.

Monday, October 20, 2008


So, I think that the whole normal thing is overrated. From senior superlatives to the homecoming court... Why such cliche people all the time? I predicted the exact people for everything. What ever happened to rooting for the underdog? Because rooting for the underdog gives me greater satisfaction. If they win, kudos to them. If not, good for them for at least trying and having been the underdog. But seriously, when I heard the names being read aloud for all such nominations I couldn't stop myself from groaning to my best freind seated beside me. It was everyone we thought it would be. They are all the same... How boring? Wait. Let me excuse myself. Cause if you were to ask them, they are all so unique with their senses of fashion and hairstyles and views/beliefs on the world today. I don't think they've yet to realize that even their 'unique' characteristics are still carbon copies of the person sitting to the right of them. Or at least the same as all 1183 of their 'friends'. And it doesn't get me upset or angry, it just makes me wonder... Why? Why them? What makes them so cool? But, I guess I can't really complain cause I love just being myself. Silly, sarcastic, loud, obnixous, determined, me. As once said by the brillaint Dr. Suess "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you."

Busy. Busy.

Ah, this weekend was so crazy. I had literally 5 hours of sleep. The entire weekend. (Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration.) Friday I had to help with the teacher BBQ... set up, prepare the food, and serve the food. Weird seeing teachers just hanging out with each other. But, after that I went to the mall cause my best friend had yet to get her dress for Saturday night. Talk about procrastination. But, we did that and had a good time. Then it was time for the last home football game =( And I didn't get home till late cause we went out to eat afterwards. Aparently so did everyone else, cause I saw everyone I've ever known. Then Sunday I had a meeting for work at 9:30, but I like to do small gestures of kindness, so I left 15 minutes earlier than I had to and got doughtnuts for the crew. They appreciated it. And right after the meeting I worked till 4-ish. Then I was on my was home to get ready for the dance. I got ready in record time and was on my way to pictures. Then was the dance till 10:30 and an after get-together at a resturaunt. And after that I went to a friends house till 2 in the morning and my best friend and I walked home. It was so coooold. But I was up at 6 again to go do a Breast Cancer Walk. And by the time I got home I felt so sick and tired. I crashed and slept all night. And didn't feel so good on Monday either. Thankfully the weekend is over!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This past 5 day weekend I went to go visit a bunch of colleges. Perhaps I should clarify that a bunch is infact, 6 colleges. I was in the Virginia/Maryland/D.C. area. And I loved it. My top choices are William and Mary, Loyola, Johns Hopkins, and American. The other ones that really just weren't for me included Georgetown and Mary Washington. So, majority of the time I was in the car driving and the other majority I spent at informational sessions. But, it was worth it. I find it so overwhelming that where ever I decide to go/get accepted to is a decision that will affect the rest of my life. It's actually scary... I am going into the bio/pre-med feild, so I can eventually be a doctor. I plan on becoming a part of the 'Doctor's With No Borders' program. So I will be able to help out children and those who need medical care in underdeveloped and 3rd world countries. This Febuary I might go to Cambodia to build an orphanage and mentour needy children. It's costly, so I have to start fundraising reeeeaaal soon. But, since I'm not yet 18 my mom has to go with me... Oh wait, she has no desire whatsoever to go. I am convinced that I can convince her. I will make it happen. I'm supposed to have been finishing up a few minutes ago, so I'll probably head out now... Even though my hand were just getting warm from it being so cold in the media lab.