Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bored and thinking.

So, it's been snowing for a few good hours. And of course, I have to go to work. And I work like 17-23 minutes away. Not to mention that I can't see in the dark of night, so my driving will already be terrible. And snow, rain, and/or ice and you will get an ever worse me. I was going to start my homework before work, since I am taking off from the gym today (my quads are KILLING me after running outside, finally) but I am not as happy as I want to be, so I decided to put it off till later. Or tomorrow morning. Which reminds me of how badly I want a snow day. I am so wearing my pjs inside out. Not even joking. But whatever, back to work. Since I live the farthest and and the newest driver I'm hoping they'll let me go home first if we're really slow. But, my mom was nice enough to let me drive her new Jeep Commander. Weird, I am never allowed. It's like an unspoken rule, that I'm not to question. Ever. So, I kinda want to stay at work just so I can drive it longer =) I hate that I nver have alone time to think or reflect or anything. My house is always occupied. ALWAYS. As I'm trying to listen to music to cheer myself up, I can't because I have Mickey Mouse shouting in my right ear and my nephew screaming about school in the other. Speaking of him, he got in trouble for kissing his 'girlfriend' Anna in school the other day. I forgot to mention he is three, and goes to preeschool. I forget he's so little sometimes. And the next day at school a classmate brought in yogurts for the class for 'healthy snack month' and was going to bring the leftovers home. When my nephew heard this he went searching in the garbage for his leftovers. Not realizing she was bringing home the extras, not his half eaten leftovers. He is so cute. I seriously love him. And, I am perfectly fine with him living in my house because it makes me want to not have children for a good 29347 years. Okay, off to work. Wish me luck!