Saturday, January 31, 2009

Early, schmearly.

Every single day I wake up at like four. It's mosly because I have a butt-load of homework to do that I couldn't finish the night before. But, whatever. I still get up before any normal human should. Then I go to school, go to the gym for like an hour and half and four days out of the week I go to work till ten, and come home to do homework. But don't worry, that's not what I'm complaining about.... I hate that on the weekends, when I finally might get a day off, a day to sleep in, my mom wakes me up for stupid reasons. She barges in my room yelling 'rise and shiiiiine!' And procedes to tell me that breakfast is done... at seven thirty in the morning. WHAAAAT?! I don't care, I'll eat it later. I just want to sleep. And if it's not my mom coming to wake me up, it's my nephew or niece... 'Aunt Jooooordan! Let's watch mickey!' I love them to death, but the last thing I want to do on a saturday morning (other than wake up mad early to eat) is to watch mickey mouse. And when I went to take a nap after eating and reading a book for a little bit, I got in trouble for being lazy. Lazy?! I only got six hours of sleep. And it's saturday... who cares! I think that everybody should start their days an hour later from now on. Instead of school starting at seven, it should start at eight. Suprisingly I am more of a morning person, that is unless you wake me up for somthign stupid. I'm done venting. And I'm going to the gym with my best friend. Yay for jump roping and yogaaaaa!

Friday, January 30, 2009

11 Things

So, I was thinking and there is a lot that people don't know about me. Even though I like it that way, (I like my privacy!) I've decided to share 11 random things about me that not a lot of people know. So, here it goes.

1. I have a really bad habit of biting my nails and twirling my hair. I can't help it when I'm nervous, anxious, bored, ect. I've tried a bunch of things to stop my habits, but I just can't. It's okay though, I don't really mind.

2. I have to sleep with 2 blankets. Not just any blankets. One is my baby blanket, or what is left from it (cause when I was little I used to eat the fuzzoff of it). And the other is a blanket my mom got me when she was on her honeymoon, from mexico.

3. I have a maaaaasive family. I'm one of five. (And have 4 step-siblings, that I don't consider to be related to me in any way, shape or form, but that's besides the point). But, 2 of my sisters have kids. And in my house is a lot of us. It's my mom, step-dad, sister, brother, other sister, sister's boyfriend, niece and nephew. Needless to say, there is never a dull moment. Or quiet time for that matter.

4. I used to want to get my armpit pierced for the longest time. But, not only am I seventeen, but the people at every pierceing place in the state of New Jersey (no joke!) has said that it's illegal and if I really wanted it I would have to go to a foreign country or underground New York. Nooo thank you.

5. I've been to 7 countries- Haiti (twice), Mexico, Grand Caymen, Puerto Rico, St Thomas, Jamica and Dominican Republic. All of which I thought were beautiful and I wouldn't mind going again. But, I would much rather go to Europe- Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy, Spain... anywhere I can go!

6. It's not a phobia, but I do not like even numbers. My alarm is set for say 6:13. The volume on the tv is 27... Stupid things like that, that I would notice. My sister is far worse than me. And so is my brother. They get angry if it's not an odd number. I'm not that bad, thankfully. But, I will aviod even numbers at all costs. To be completely honest, I didn't even think twice about this being numbered till 11. That is just how my brain goes. It hates even numbers. Weird.

7. I am afraid of growing old. I hate drastic changes (babies, weddings, death, moving...). And as you get old the more you have to experience stuff like that. And I don't like it. It scares me. I hate not knowing what lies ahead, but that's the ride we call life.

8. Even though my real father lives 5 blocks away from my house, I haven't talked to him in 4 years. I always wonder what life would be like if we still had a relationship, but I don't regret it the least bit. Everything happens for a reason.

9. When I was little I had butt long hair. All my sisters did too. We weren't allowed to cut it. But, it was so weird. I don't think it looked cute at all, but everyone envied it. And I'm not sure why. And random people would ask me, "How do you go to the bathroom with hair like that?" And I would just say, "How do you go to the bathroom with hair like THAT?" But really, what 7 year old wants to get asked about going to the bathroom? And then one day in the 6th grade, I chopped it all off. 17 inches to be exact! And it hasn't gotten anywhere near as long, thankfully!

10. I don't like to let people down. I try my best to please a lot of people. And I often take more than I can handle. I spread myself too thin, cause I don't like to say no. I don't want people to think badly of me. Which only causes problems for myself, aka a mental breakdown at 3 in the morning thanks to doing homework for school and cleaning my room so my mom won't have to wake up and find it still messy.

11. I'm a vegetarian. Not cause it's whats cool. Or because I feel bad for the animals. Simply because, I want to be. I watched a PETA video once, and it grossed me out beyond words. My mom hated it when I first decided to become one. She cooked all food with meat in it, just so I would have to make my own food or eventually cave in. She eventually came around and even buys special food just for me. And yes, I still wear Uggs and eat cheese. I just don't eat things that once had a face or a mother (thanks for that Sra.!). The only meat I ever ate was chicken, so its really not that different or hard from what I used to eat.

Hope you enjoyed learning about me =)


The rule is don't you ever even talk about forever
But you never say never in life. - Lady Antebellum

This is another one of my favorite lyrics. I love the band, for starters. And the song is amazing. But, these lyrics just caught my attention. I think that they're trying to say that don't talk about forever because you don't know what tomorrow might hold. And don't ever say never. Because you can do anything you put your mind to.


I love the artist Joaquin Sorolla. His paintings are just so light to the heart and so beautifully done. They're mostly about the beach and children, and often children at the beach. But they just bring a rush of happiness and inspiration over me. I wish I could literally paint a masterpeice. But, I guess I do it, just in other forms. When I snowboard or run or write, I often find it equivelant to a masterpiece.

Summer poem

I tried on the summer sun, Felt good.
Nice and warm -- knew it would.
Tried the grass beneath bare feet,
Felt neat.
Finally, finally felt well dressed,
Nature's clothes fit me best.
Shel Silverstein

When I was little I loved Shel Silverstein. Although it doesn't count as a normal book, that was the first thick book I read. And I loved every second of it. But, whatever. I love the beach. I can't wait for summer. Only 89 days of school left. ONLY... I think that breaks down to what, 17 weeks? I wish it would just hurry up. Although when I gradutate, I'm sure I'll feel differently. But, not for now. I wouldn't mind school being over, the least bit.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

School in June

Students lift their hands to hesitantly answer a question,
Leaving on the desk, a fogged imprint of their hand;
With just a few weeks left of school,
Most drift off into a daze of foreign land.
The smell of stale books lingers in the air,
As once valued materials scatter across the floor;
And the murmur of fans and students blend into one,
While the teacher tries to get their attention once more.
She scans the class, quickly losing hope,
Finding sweaty faces with blank stares within;
The thick air can hold all thoughts in their place,
School in this heat stroke, is as deadly as sin.